First Post


First of all. My name is Arvey R. Jimenez, 20 years old. I’m a 4th year BSIT Student at Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST). I will graduate this coming April 3, 2014 and this is how i got here at Favorite Medium as a trainee.

First, there was a event in our deparment CICT, titled “TECHNO DAY” and there are a lot of contest like Java Programming, Networking, Typing, Quiz bee and the contest that i joined was the Web Design and i really don’t expect that i will win that contest but thanks to God i won. In the awarding ceremony we have a guest and they said he also graduated at NEUST and now a successful Web Developer. I didn’t expect anything when they said it and after the awarding he invited me with my other classmate to go to his office. The day he said that, i really thank god for giving us an oppurtunity like this. The day that we are there, he said they are looking for trainee to work for thier company and we need to pass it. When he said that, we already grab the oppurtunity and will do our best. I am really happy on that day and thanks to them for giving us an oppurtunity. That’s how i became a trainee together with my classmates. This is one of the best gift I received before my graduation. Hopefully i passed the training and get my 1st job as a Web Developer.